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1 écu aux huit L 1725H La Rochelle France KM#472.9 Louis XV shipwreck Le Chameau

1 écu aux huit L 1725H La Rochelle, France, KM#472.9
From the shipwreck Le Chameau. 

Le Chameau was a wooden sailing ship of the French Navy, built in 1717. It was used to transport passengers and supplies to New France (in present day Canada), making several trips. Nearing the end of its last voyage, a storm blew it onto some rocks on August 27, 1725. It sank, with the loss of all aboard; estimates range as high as 316 dead. In 1965, Alex Storm and his associates located the wreckage near Chameau Rock, and recovered a treasure of gold and silver pieces. (modified very slightly from Wikipedia)

Sold "$295.00" on "21-11-2024"
