HBC 100 ND (1946) Eastern Arctic Hudson's Bay Company token Canada Gingras 285e

Gingras 285e

Tokens were introduced to the Eskimo population in 1946 as a way to familiarise the people with the Canadian decimalisation system. During World War II traffic to the Arctic had suddenly increased and it was thought that this trend would likely continue after the war. The tokens are simple and show the numerals 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100. The tokens are made of aluminium and are uniface. Another larger token was made bearing a large number 1. The token is square and also uniface. This square token was made to represent 1 White Fox which was the standard of trade in the Arctic. All of the tokens, after serving their purpose, were discontinued in 1962 with the exception of a few isolated posts.

From The Hudson’s Bay Company Tokens, Medals and Scrip by Scott E. Douglas.


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